This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

WDN Coverage - or the lack thereof

Winona Swim Families:

I just amassed some information and sent it off to the WDN.

I took a look at just how many articles, other Big 9 Teams get written about them and their meets as compared to us here in Winona.

The analysis:

Paper                                                   No. of Articles

Faribault Daily News                       17 since the beginning of the season
Owatonna People's Press                   4 in the last two weeks
Albert Lea Tribune                           13 since the beginning of the season
Post Bulletin (Austin Stories)           7 in October
Austin News Herald                          15 since the beginning of the season

Winona Daily News                            2  since the beginning of the season

Some of the articles I suggested could have been written included:

Team Training trip to STMA and Richfield
The number of contributing 7th and 8th Graders on the Varsity Squad
The Coop students on the squad.
The Taiwanese Foreign Exchange Student swimming for the team AND  scoring points.
Placing 3rd at the Big 9 Championships (probably the highest Winona has been in at least 10 years maybe longer)
Steve Burt being named Big 9 Coach of the Year by his peers! ( I am at a total loss on this one)
The ALL Big 9 Selection List of Winona Swimmers.

It is important for the Winona Swimming & Diving Community to let the WDN know that  our kids are swimmers and divers and we want them to be able to read about the HS athletes that are competing in their sport.

The WDN Sports Editor thinks Competitive Swimming is a joke. That their coverage is sufficient and there is not reason to change. We know better, and from the looks of the other Big 9 Schools, we are not alone thinking he is wrong on both counts.

Make some noise Winona Swimmer Families.

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