This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It’s that time of the season

It's Sections time, that magical make or break meet that for some, determines whether you are done working out for the season, or swimming in another week at the Big Show. 

For others, it is their last contribution to their High School team and teammates. The girls they have swum next to, celebrated with and pulled pranks on. Everyone focuses on the State Qualifying times and places for moving onto State. But for the majority of the girls around that pool this week, it is about finishing a season.

High school swimming is a bit of an oddity from other sports. In swimming, the team won loss record does not come directly into play. Whether you were 10-0 or 0-10, it means nothing going into Sections. But, the times that were swum, whether in a winning or a losing cause, determine where you are seeded at Sections.

The season until now has been a building process.  Swimmers have built up their aerobics and then built up their endurance, all while working on technique. The Divers have honed their “bread & butter” dives while learning new ones and increasing the degree of difficulty on their list.

At this point, the outcome is in your hands. If you have done the hard work, made the preparations, and listened to the coaches, your season is in your hands. Now it is time to summon up that inner strength and confidence that athletes all possess. Sections happens but once a year. Don’t just focus on just the swim or the dive. Savor the moment, enjoy the moment, squeeze everything you can out of the experience. You’ve earned it.

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