This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Good News for the Winona YMCA Winfins

The Winona YMCA Winfins Swimming Team recently competed at the MN YMCA State Swim meet at the University of Minnesota.

Aside from The Girls 11-12 age group winning their age group at the State meet, the Winfin club was reported to have finished fourth out of the 20 teams that were there.

The coaching staff was reviewing the meet results the following week and picked up that the results of one Winona boys swimmers was missing from the results of the 200 FR.

An inquiry was made and after some back and forth regarding the whys and reasons, possible time limits for protests and such. A formal protest was entered questioning the final results.

(While officiating the Boy's HS State meet, I was able to talk to the gentleman that had been the Head Meet Referee for the Y State Meet. He told me that the HyTek System that was managing the Boy's competition pool and been set up incorrectly and had not been recording (remembering) the results in Lanes 1 & 2 until meet management had discovered it by Race 10.)

The result of the protest was that the missing swimmer was awarded the Event Sixth place that he should have received and the additional points he scored pushed Winona up into 3rd place. It was decided to allow Duluth to retain their 3rd place trophy and Winona was named Co-Third Place Team for the State Meet.

On a side note, I was told indirectly that the parent of the swimmer had noticed the omission after the results had been posted on the wall DURING the meet, but being newer parents had figured their child had been DQ'ed and did not mention it.

Moral of the story:

Meet management: double check your HyTek settings to make sure it is doing what you THINK it is doing.

Parents: Always question something you are not so sure about. Be an additional set of eyes and ears for your coaching staff. If a swimmer is entered in the meet and in the program, their name should be among the results no matter what happens.

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