This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

This weekend in Swimming

TONIGHT             Winona/Winona Cotter participates in the Big 9 JV Championship. The JV girls have swam hard all season and have been tapering for this, the last meet of the year for many of them due to entry constraints at Big 9 and Sections. Wish them luck, I was lucky to officiate this meet a few years back and it was a fun fun meet to participate in. Many of the girls are swimming post taper for the first time and it is fun to watch them see how much time they dropped!

Thursday Oct 24
U of W Green Bay vs Wright State (OH) AWAY (Featuring former Winona Co-Captain Diver Crystal Franzwa)

Friday Oct 25
Winona/ Winona Cotter – Big 9 Championships (Diving) @ Rochester Rec Center
U of W Green Bay vs Youngstown State (OH) AWAY
U of NI @ South Dakota State

Saturday Oct 26
Winona/ Winona Cotter – Big 9 Championships @ Rochester Rec Center
U of W Green Bay vs Cleveland State (OH) AWAY
U of W Eau Claire vs UW Steven Point and St, Cloud State @ Stevens Point
St. Thomas Relays @ St. Thomas w/ Augsburg, Carlton, Hamline, St. Catherines, St. Mary’s, St. Olaf, St. Thomas (Featuring former Winona Co-Captain Alex Zuelke swimming for St. Kates)
Univ of MN Morris – Alumni/Intrasquad Meet
U of NI @ South Dakota
Emory University vs Birmingham Southern HOME

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