This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

They don't call 'em Tigers for nuthin'

When prepping for the Albert Lea Tigers, one name comes to mind, Lindsey Horejsi.  AT last year's Class A State Championships she was 3rd in the 50 Free and is the All-Time State Record Holder (that means for both Class A and AA) in the 100 Breaststroke.

If that is all you prepare for, you will be in for a rough night. The Tigers are much deeper than that, and they are youthful as well. A number of 8th graders, 9th graders and sophomores are turning heads. Albert Lea was picked to finish in the top of the pack in the Big 9 this year. At 6-3 they have beaten Owatonna, Faribault and Century, fallen to Mankato West, JM and Mayo. They finished 4th at the Section 1A True Team, behind Visitation (St. Paul) Faribault and Mankato West. 

If there are any chinks in the armor perhaps diving and maybe the sprints, but veteran Coach Jon Schmitz will very likely have the line-up shifted around to counter the Winhawks’ strengths. It should be a great meet!

Some sample times include:

200 medley relay  1:57.2  Bailey Sandon, Lindsey Horejsi, Ahnika Jensen, Anna Andersen 

200 Free    2:06.2  Haley Simon     2:11  Sara Rasmussen

200 IM   2:08 Lindsey Horejsi,  2:25 Ahnika Jensen, 2:24 Bailey Sandon,  2:31.0 Samantha Nielson 

50 Free  25.42     Anna Andersen 

100 Fly  1:09 Carly Nelson, 1:09 Hannah Hertling, 1:01Emily Taylor, 1:01 Bryn Williams 

100 Free  54.81 Anna Andersen, 58.16  Haley Simon                              

500 Free   5:50 Sara Rasmussen  6:04 Madeline Dahl  

200 Free Relay   01:41.1 Anna Andersen , Ahnika Jensen, Haley Simon , Lindsey Horejsi  

100back   1:05.9 Bailey Sandon     1:08       Bailey Sandon  

100 Breast 1:03 Lindsey Horejsi  1:11.7 Samantha Nielson 01:13.8 Ahnika Jensen,  1:16 Hannah Hertling               

400 Free      3:57 Simon, Taylor, Williams, Sandon  

Tuesday night at Albert Lea High School, 6PM which means??? You get to watch DIVING!!!!!!

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