This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Swimming this weekend

Northfield Colleges Quad Classic @ Northfield, Minn  Carlton, St. Olaf,
University of MN @ Iowa (Men & Women)
Univ of MN Morris @Morningside with Northern State
Iowa State @ Nebraska Omaha
North Dakota @ Univ of N Iowa

Winona Water Wizards @ MCA Fall Invite Rochester
South Dakota State @ U of W Green Bay 
U W River Falls vs Lawrence Univ and Ripon College in Triple Dual @ Lawrence
Luther College @ UW Whitewater 
Gustavus Adolphus and Northern Michigan @ UW Eau Claire (Men & Women)
St. Olaf College Cows And Contentment Classic (Men & Women) including UW La Crosse, Carlton, St. Olaf,  MN State U Mankato, MN State Univ Moorhed, & St. Cloud State (Men & Women) 
St. Mary’s Invitational @ SMU Winona with Gustavus Adolphus, St. Thomas and Hamline
Univ of MN Morris @Morningside with Northern State

Winona Water Wizards @ MCA Fall Invite Rochester

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