This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Forgive them for they know not what they are told

Reading the WDN this morning, they condensed the results of a truly great swimming & diving meet into a few comments about the team stars. At first, the reaction is the usual, that they really do not care about swimming as a sport. 

Upon further reflection though, perhaps it is that they are victims of their environment and upbringing. The vast majority of sportos, and especially those that make a living writing about sports,  are raised playing and watching the big three, football, basketball and baseball. All they know of swimming is what they have seen. Every four years the Olympics show the best in the world swimming and diving against each other. Sometimes they even compete against people from their same team. These sportos scream and cheer the races on, and in the end, they see three individuals stand upon the podium and receive their medals and they figure, that’s swimming & diving. 

That is SO far from what high school (and college for that matter) swimming and diving is about, that when they are asked to cover the events of a GREAT meet, they focus on the swimmers that won what events and leave it at that. They are indeed fools for they are missing out on that which makes high school and college swimming great!

Saturday the Winona Winhawks traveled to the Twin Cities to participate in the Spartan Invitational. Ten teams, both Class AA and A from around Minnesota and Wisconsin, come to the same pool.  The rules are that each team is allowed four entries per event. Each event is scored down to 16th place. The points available are as follows:


All individual swimmers are eligible to earn points but only a Team’s A and B relay are allowed to score. Relays score double the amount that individual events do. So in theory, a team placing 2 or more competitors in the scoring is above average.  Scoring more than 15 points is doing exceptional.

So bottom line, having some star swimmers perform to their potential is great, but it doesn’t win invites. The entire team has to do well, which is exactly what the Winhawks pulled off on Saturday in swimming AND diving their way to a second place finish in the Spartan Invitational. 

The Winhawks came out of the gate invigorated, perhaps because of their diving buddies. In fact, if you see a diver kiss her, or at least hug her. Diving, although technically Event 5, was held in the morning. Being an 11 dive championship format (5 preliminary dives, 3 semifinal and 3 final dives) it takes hours and is better to run separately.  The divers making the trip included Sr. Co-Captain Janelle Mueller, Jr. Sarah Scherbring, Sophomore Emilee Degnan, and Freshman Clair Conway in her first Championship style event. After the Preliminaries, Claire was in 12th place, Emilee in 8th place, Sarah in 4th hand Janelle in 2nd place. Through semifinals the younger Winhawks were moving up and when the finals were complete  Claire was in 10th place, Emilee in 6th place, Sarah in 3rd and Janelle in 2nd place for a whopping 54 points. SO, when the Swimming Winhawks walked onto deck, they got to watch their diving sisters complete their final 3 dives and stake them to a 54 point head start. 

200 Medley Relay Scored 46 points            34 & 12

The A relay was seeded 2nd and they swam to that touching in, not only the fastest time of the season but the 7th fastest Winhawks time ever. The relay consisted of Morgan Whyte, Greer Kosidowski, Reese Galewski, and Haley O'Neil. Morgan’s split was right on recent performances and the other three all set season low splits!  The Winona B Relay consisting of McKenna Marg, Emily Thurow, Hanna O'Neill, and Abbey Quandahl, finished Winona 11th, the 3rd highest finishing “B” relay. Other notable splits, IN the “C” Relay Hanna O’Neill and Abbey Quandahl both had personal best low splits. The “C” Relay had McKenzie Porter, Annika Anderson and Alana Everitt all swimming personal best splits.  

The 200 Freestyle Scored 34 points - four swimmers scoring 17, 11, 5, 1 

All four Winhawks found their way into the scoring end of the results. Sr. Co-Captain Haley O’Neill led the way swimming a season low time to a second place finish. Sophomore Morgan Whyte tied her season low placing in 8th overall. Sr. Greer Kosidowski was next placing 12th and Sr, McKenna Marg kicks off her day and completes a scoring sweep for the Winhawks with a season low time and 16th place. 

The 200 IM          Scored 13 points - two swimmers scoring 11, 2

Sophomore Alex Arnold was the bright spot for Winona here. She swam strong and nearly matched her season low form Thursday by hundredths and she improves on her 10th seed by finishing 8th overall. Sr. Razil Campbell has a strong swim setting a season low by over 4 seconds and improving her seed from outside the scoring to a 15th place finish. 

The 50 Freestyle  Scored 11.50 points – 7, 3, 1.5

The Splash and Dash was led by Sr, Emily Thurow swimming her seed and finishing in that same spot, 10th overall. Sr. Abbey Quandahl places 14th matching her season low time and 8th Grader Alexa Lofgren ties for 15th. 

1 Meter Diving   Scored 54 points – 17, 16, 15, 6
As described above, Sr. Co-Captain Janelle Mueller, Jr. Sarah Scherbring, Sophomore Emilee Degnan, and Freshman Clair Conway finish in 2,3,4 & 11th place!

100 Butterfly      Scored 29 points, 20, 9

Sr, C0-Captain Reese Galewski was the top seed going in and she did not disappoint. Leading by a half second at the 50 she powered it home picking up another half second to win handily. In the prior heat, Sophomore Hanna O’Neill swam to a season low improving her 11th seed and finishing 9th overall. Other notable swims, Jr. McKenzie Porter swims a first ever 100 Fly improving her 26th seed to finish just out of scoring in 19th.  

100 Freestyle      Scored 29 points – 20, 5, 4

Sr. Co-=Captain Haley O’Neill had earned the top seed and her race did not disappoint. Ahead by mere hundredths at the 50 turn, she stayed strong and extended it to over a half second by the touch. Adding to a stellar day, Sophomore Alex Arnold swam a season low improving on her 14th seed finishing 12th. Right next to her Sr. Emily Thurow also improved on her 15th seed moving up two spots to claim 13th place points also swimming a season low time. 

500 Freestyle      Scored 17 points – 13, 4

Sr. Co-Captain led the way in the 500 Free maintains her seed and placing 6th overall. Behind her Sr. Razil Campbell improves one on her seed to score in 13th place overall. 

200 Free Relay   Scored 40 points 28, 12

The Winhawk A relay of Abbey Quandahl, Greer Kosidowski, Alexa Lofgren, Emily Thurow, on the strength of season low splits by Lofgren and Thurow move their 9th seed up to a 5th place finish. The B Relay Hanna O'Neill, Morgan Drazkowski, Alexandra Arnold, Raizl Campbell, are right behind them placing 11th, both Arnold and Campbell split season low times. 

The 100 Backstroke         Scored 35 points – 15, 13, 5, 2

The third event where Winona scored ALL of their entered contestants, they were led by Sophomore Morgan Whyte’s 4th place finish. Sr. McKenna Marg continues her good day by improving her 8th seed to a 6th place finish in a season low time. Placing 12, moving up three spots from her seed, Sr. Abbey Quandahl swims a season low. Lastly young Alexa Lofgren continues to contribute big. She takes her 22nd seed and betters her season best of Thursday for a 15th place finish. 

100 Breaststroke              Scored 6 points - 6

Sr. Greer Kosidowski continues to take the weight of the event on her should being the only scorer for the Winhawks.  She converts her 13th seed into the points awarded for 11th place by swimming a season low time. 

400 Free Relay   Scored 56 points               32, 24

The Winhawks knew a high finish was on the line and performed well to achieve a great outcome. This may have been the result of a building sense of Winhawk pride over the results of each Winhawk relay before them. The Winhawk D Relay was the first to swim. Unseeded, Annika Anderson, Jessica Kohner, Harper O'Neill, and Alana Everitt, went out with the first heat and proceeded to out swim SIX “C” Relays to finish 23rd overall. Not to be outdone, Winona’s “C” Relay of McKenzie Porter, Hanna O'Neill, Ashley Brommerich, and Kennedy Kolaas, seeded 17th beat out SEVEN “B” relays with EVERY Swimmer touching in a personal best time by multiple seconds and touching 14th overall. Being the “C” relay they weren’t ineligible to score and the scoring points skipped over them to the “B” relays finishing behind them. Next to build momentum, the Winona “B” Relay. Seeded 9th and swimming in the second to last heat, the team of Alexandra Arnold, Morgan Drazkowski, McKenna Marg, and Raizl Campbell move up finishing 7th overall on the strength of Alex Arnold’s first split below 1 minute of the season but maybe more so from McKenna Marg SMASHING through the minute barrier on her split. With a building crescendo like that, what could the Winhawk “A” Relay do but swim their guts out. Alexa Lofgren, Reese Galewski, Morgan Whyte, and Haley O'Neill ALL swam season low splits finish 3rd overall and assure the Winhawks capture 2nd place overall in the Spartan Invitational. 

Final Scores
1. Eagan                           386
2. Winona                         370.5
3. Orono                           320
4. Bloomington Jefferson   237.5
5. Minneapolis Southwest  229
6. Bemidji                         195
7. Richfield                      186.5
8. Robbinsdale Cooper     180.5
9. Henry Sibley                137
10. Menomonie (WI)          83

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