This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

St. Mary’s hosts UW River Falls

On Friday the 17th, The UW Fiver Falls Falcons visited the St.Mary’s University Cardinals for an early bird time trial.

Swimmers of note include Winonan John Fox and Wizards Coach Tom Walsh.

The Cardinals “A” 200 Med Relay took 3rd with John Fox swimming the breaststroke segment in 27.54 and Tom Walsh swimming the fly in 26.96, finishing in 1:55.51

John won the 100IM in 56.89, 3rd in the 50FL in 28.28, 1st in the 50 BR in 30.10

Tom took 4th in the 100IM swimming 1:07.09, 5th in the 50FL in 30.37 and 4th in the 100BR in 1:18.41.

In the final event, the 200FR Relay, Tom swam the 2nd leg of the race in 25.29 and John swam the 3rd leg in 22.87 as they swam to a 2nd place finish in 1:46.26

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