This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Divers lead the way to Winhawks taming the Tigers

The Winona Winhawk (2-2, 2-2) Boys Swimming & Diving Team traveled to Albert Lea last Thursday for a dual meet with the Tigers (0-7, 0-7). The meet started out close and was a see-saw battle until Diving. The Winhawks go 1-2 in Diving and from there they start to pull away. They finally buried the Tigers by going 1-2 in the 200 Freestyle Relay. In the end, Winona won all but 2 races and learned a little about depth along the way.

The Winhawks got off to a rough start, with the “A” relay getting disqualified for swimming out of sequence. Seems the guys decided (without talking to coach), while behind the blocks, to shuffle the stroke line-up around. What they didn’t know that the lead-off swimmer cannot be altered from the line-up once it has been submitted to the Referee.

Winona      6                 Albert Lea  8

The 200 Freestyle saw Winhawk Junior Joey Kleinow take the win for the ‘Hawks. Sophomore Jake Johnson swam to a solid 3rd for the Winhawks

Winona      15               Albert Lea  15

The 200 IM was won by Winona’s up and coming Freshman Cal Dretske. Cotter 8th Grader Aaron Whyte contributes points for 5th but the middle finishes give the Tigers back the lead.

Winona      22               Albert Lea  24

The 50 Freestyle saw another Winhawk victory, this time for Sr. Co-Captain Louie La Porta. Placing 3rd was Junior Alex Kline and the meet is all even at the Diving.

Winona      31               Albert Lea  31

The Winhawk Divers see the tie and put their personal touch on things by placing 1-2-4. Sr. Co-Captain Justin Bublitz places first in 227.90, and Sr. Stan Petkov scores a personal high 186.40 to place second. The 12-4 scoring differential hits the Tigers hard on the scoreboard.

Winona      43               Albert Lea  35

The 100 Butterfly is another Winhawk win, this time Young Winhawk 8th Grader Kyle Schneider takes the victory with Alex Kline swimming to a solid 3rd place to build on the Winhawks lead.

Winona      52               Albert Lea  42

The 100 Freestyle sees Winhawk Sr. Co-Captain Louie La Porta take his second win of the evening with Jr. Joey Kleinow taking a solid 2nd and Jr. Kory McDonald swimming to 4th. The 12-4 scoring kicks the meet into overdrive for the Winhawks.

Winona      64               Albert Lea  46

The 500 Freestyle is all Cotter Freshman Hodd Gorman. He swims out front by himself pacing his way to another personal best, the 3rd time in his last 4 swims.

Winona      71               Albert Lea  55

The 200 Freestyle Relay turned out to be a backbreaker for the Tigers. With the Winhawk “A” Relay out in front, the “B” Relay of Sr. Co-Captain Gio Borsari, Sr. Co-Captain Justin Bublitz, Jr. Dan Karnick, (both divers now swimming I will point out to you) and Jr. Kory McDonald, go out hard and hang on to take second by 12 hundredths of a second and swing the Winhawks a 12-2 point total.

Winona      83               Albert Lea  57

The 100 Backstroke sees a resurgence from the Tigers, they are not out of the meet yet and the Winhawks take 2-5. 

Winona      88               Albert Lea  68

The 100 Breaststroke brings Winhawks Dretske, Johnson and Kosidowski to the blocks looking to quell the Tiger resurgence.  Dretske and Johnson go 1-2 and Jr. Conor Kosidowski shaves 5 seconds off his personal best to score 5th place and seal the win for the Winhawks.

Winona      99               Albert Lea  73

The 400 Freestyle Relay sees the Winhawks take 1st & 3rd but swim them exhibition. The “A” Relay swims their second fastest time of the season but didn’t need it.


Winona      99               Albert Lea  85

Junior Varsity

Winona      73               Albert Lea  33

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