This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

“Gees they were so negative, it was awesome” “What, you mean they did poorly?” “No, I mean they were great!” “I’m so confused!”

It was the first big meet under new Wizards Coach Chris Mayer and everyone, the athletes, the parents, even Coach Chris were wondering how things were going to turn out. It was the Red Wing Winter Splash and the competition pool in Red Wing is a little tight for space. It was loud, it was warm but it was definitely electric.  It was just as he had remembered it. Eleven years earlier Coach Chris was racing in this pool. Now, he was on deck, directing his swimmers, just as his coach before him had done, and it felt good! Now, to see what his work with his swimmers had produced.

The Saturday morning session was led out by Wizards veteran Griff Wolner. Not realizing it would set the standard for the day, Griff cruised to first place trimming 3 full seconds off his previous best and a solid “B” time. 

What followed was a magical day with Wizard after Wizard setting personal bests, all told, 19 out of 20 individual swims.  They chalked up 10 first place finishes in spite of MN Swimming veteran clubs Med City, Hastings, Blackline, Barracudas and the Mach 3 Flyers being in attendance.   

As the morning wore on, Griff dropped 3 – 4 seconds on his IM, Breast and 200 Free to cap an awesome day for him.

Brother Grant Wolner, not wanting to be overshadowed, got into the act logging a first and two seconds while lopping a monster 5 seconds off his 100 Free. 

Alexa Lofgren was the workhorse of the meet swimming both days in 7 different events. She dropped time in six events averaging 3 ½ seconds faster per event. She excelled at the off events, shaving the most time, over 5 seconds, on her fly. She also dropped over 4 seconds on both her IM and backstroke.  

Viva Graff swimming in her first competition exceeded Coach Chris’ goals for her logging a solid “C” time in her 50 Free. Just think what she’ll do when she dons that Packer Backer swim cap she got!

Right with her, newcomer Samantha Wangen also swam a solid “C” time in her first competition 100 Freestyle. 

Upon arrival Saturday afternoon, Wizard Seniors Reese Galewski and Haley O’Neill were informed that their younger teammates had set the standard and they had better live up to their end of the bargain. 

With the gauntlet dropped, they responded accordingly.
Reese placed first in every event she swam, dropping 11 seconds off of her breaststroke and 4 seconds off her 200 Free. The firsts included a first time EVER 500 Freestyle by Reese and she broke 6 minutes while doing so. 

Haley took the challenge to heart as well, in spite of swimming all off events for her. She won the 100 Fly, set a new best standard in swimming the 200 backstroke for the first time and placing 3rd, then finished up with a monster win in the 500 Freestyle. 

Mariah Bruner swam in her first competition ever swimming a good “C” time in her 50 breast placing 7th and bettering her seed time in the 50 Free by 3 1/2 seconds. 

Holding up his end of the deal, Alex Jorgenson placed 1st and 2nd in his 50 Free and 50 Back respectively and improving his backstroke time by nearly 6 seconds in the process. 

Lastly, Senior Reese Galewski was back for Sunday. After having cranked out that 500 Freewin, she suggested that if I was to spy a lump on the bottom during the 200 Butterfly, it might be her and I should summon rescue personnel. Such was not the case and Reese won the event with room to spare, setting a new personal best by over 4 ½ seconds. 

Come Sunday night, Coach Chris was taking down the Wizards Team Banner from the Red Wing wall with a very big grin on his face. He was back, it felt right, and he was ready for more.

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