This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Preview of Thursday's meet to come, but first.....

Looking at the WDN on-line, there is LITTLE coverage of swimming & diving by the WDN still!

There are 83 WSHS Winter Sports photos on-line. There are 2 that feature WSHS Swimming. That is one more than WSHS Gymnastics that had their season cancelled, and 3 LESS than the WSHS Nordic Team that has not had snow until very recently. 

Swimming & Diving fans, stand up for your sport. Let the WDN know that their coverage STINKS! Let the WDN know that they are ignorant when it comes to swimming & diving ( like not knowing that HS swimming is still done in YARDS and not METERS) and they should get their act together!

I refuse to pay for a product that does not satisfy my needs, I hope that you feel the same!

Put your comments here and I will forward them on. Send them a note yourself. If you have a business and advertise with them, let them know you are not happy!

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