This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Call it whatever you want, it still bites!

A learning experience, a good test, it doesn’t matter in this league, a character building opportunity; there are a lot of things they say about experiencing a tough loss. Bottom line is it still leaves a bad taste in your mouth when it happens.

The Winona Winhawks (4-4, 3-4) hosted the Albert Lea Tigers (5-4, 4-4) Thursday night in Big 9 competition. Everyone, the coaches, the officials, parents, all greeted each other the same, “hi, nice to see you, gonna be a close one tonight”. Most everyone knew the two teams were evenly skilled and the outcome was unpredictable. 

Swimming is unlike the more popular high school sports. Football, basketball, baseball, volleyball; they all do hard conditioning early in the season and then spend the majority of their time practicing or honing skills required to compete in the sport. Swimming performs heavy conditioning through the entire season. The first part of the season is focused on building up the anaerobic (ability to extract oxygen from the blood) followed by a strength conditioning period meant to build up muscles and increase endurance.  Both are exhausting and physically taxing to the swimmers bodies. While all this is going on, the team has swimming meets where the athletes try to go as fast as they can, tempered by the toll taken on their body by training (practice). It is very common for swimmers to swim faster earlier in the season and then get slower as they compete while doing their anaerobic and condition phases. 

So as I have typed before, dual meet results in the Big 9 mean little to nothing. The two reasons being times in mid-season have little bearing on what times are achievable at end of season. And second, the dual meet record has no bearing on conference, sections or even the state meet.

This Winhawks / Tigers dual meet was one of the best I have watched in a long time. The score stayed close throughout, the individual races were hotly contested; there was great drama as the meet built up to the inevitable final event. 

The 200 Medley Relay got the meet off on the right foot for the Winhawks as was expected.  Winona was favored in this event but they left nothing to chance. The team of Cotter Senior MacKenzie Brosnahan, Cotter Junior Alexandra Zuelke, and Winhawk Sophomores Reese Galewski and Haley O’Neill set a new season low time as well as moved themselves up one more notch on the all-time Winhawk top 12 list into 5th fastest ever. 

Winona                                8              Albert Lea           6

The 200 Freestyle ended up the predicted Winhawk O’Neill vs Tiger Anderson match-up. Winhawk Sophomore Haley O’Neill took command right off the blocks, establishing a half second lead and then adding fractions to it until she finished in a new season low time. Following behind her ranking in 3rd place was Cotter Sophomore McKenna Marg swimming her fastest time in a month and just a half second of her personal best. The two Winhawks yield a 9-7 edge in points. 

Winona                                17           Albert Lea           13

The 200 IM was the first installment of the Horejsi (AL) and Zuelke (W) battle. Their race was a dead heat after the butterfly and within 2 tenths after the backstroke but even though they both excel at the breaststroke, the Tiger swimmer opened it up at that point and went on for the win. Alex placed second and Winhawk Sophomore Reese Galewski swam well to place 4th.  The point totals bring the meet into an even tie.

Winona                                23           Albert Lea           23

The 50 Freestyle was the first place for Winhawk Coach Steve Burt to interject his Cotter Senior MacKenzie Brosnahan. She wins with margin, (some spare room not usually seen in the sprints). Cotter Sophomore Emily Thurow swims a personal best time in bringing home 3rd place and Cotter 8th grader Alexandra Arnold although not scoring also swims a personal best time. The Winhawks go ahead by two points. 

Winona                                32           Albert Lea           30

Diving took place at the Middle School which was as shame because the swim crowd was denied one heck of a show. Winhawk Sophomore Janelle Mueller set a new personal high score in securing 3rd place points, Winhawk Crystal Franzwa took 2nd and Albert Lea diver Kari Kriewall dove a personal record high and shattered a Winona Pool record that had stood for 27 years. The results bring the meet score back into a tie!

Winona                                39           Albert Lea           39

The 100 Butterfly went both as expected and as had been hoped. Winhawk Sophomore Flyer Reese Galewski dominated the field winning by over 4 body lengths. Right behind her was not any of the Tigers but her teammate Bluffview 8th Grader Hanna O’Neill setting a new personal best time by over a half a second. The 1-2 finish provides the Winhawks a 10-6 advantage and regains the lead in the meet! 

Winona                                49           Albert Lea           45

The 100 Freestyle exhibited some additional coaching strategy as Winona went with Cotter Senior MacKenzie Brosnahan to both assure the win and save O’Neill for the 500 Freestyle. Brosnahan wins the 100 easily with Cotter Sophomore Emily Thurow in 5th. The Tigers taking 2-3-4 gives them the points edge and they close the gap.

Winona                                56           Albert Lea           54

The 500 Freestyle was a masterful move by Winhawk coach Steve Burt. Assessing the Tigers’ capabilities, he decides to enter Sprint/mid-distance star Haley O’Neill to push the field and challenge for first. Haley does just that taking the lead during the 4th length of the pool and slowly opens up the lead to win by almost 10 seconds. The Tigers were shifted down to 2nd & 3rd with Haley’s participation but the real entertainment was behind the three of them. Winhawk Sophomore Razil Campbell was locked in a stroke for stroke death match with the Tiger Sara Rasmussen.  They were side-by-side within tenths of a second of each other the first 200 yards. Razil took a slight 8 tenths of a second lead by half way point and extended it to a full 1.2 seconds by 400 yards. Then Rasmussen kicked it in gear making up the gap and closing to within 15 hundredths of a second by 450 yards. The last 50 yards saw the two of them side-by side putting out everything they could in a negative split duel to the finish. At the 500 touch Razil holds off the charging Tiger and touches her out by a mere 4 one hundredths of a second to claim 4th overall and set herself a new personal best time by nearly 5 seconds! Even more important, Razil’s finish makes the event an even 8-8 point spread. 

Winona                                64           Albert Lea           62

The 200 Freestyle Relay looked to favor the Winhawks, but the Tigers were inspired.  They swim a season best 1:43.48. The Winhawk relay of Zuelke, Thurow, O’Neill and Brosnahan were in the lead throughout. Brosnahan anchors swimming her 2nd fastest split of the season BUT AL Star Lindsey Horejsi splits an unbelievable 23.64 and secures the comeback win for AL. Mitigating the effects are the Winhawk “B” relay of Marg, Quandahl, Arnold and O’Neill securing 3rd place and only allowing AL a 2 point margin and the teams are once again tied. 

Winona                                70           Albert Lea           70

The 100 Backstroke is where the coaches and swimmers can start to see the end of the meet coming. Typically relief or despair starts to set in depending on which end of the score you are on, in a dead tie it is more like panic. Cotter Sophomore McKenna Marg grasps the meet with both hands and motors her way to an impressive win setting a new personal best time by a second and a half! Following her lead, Cotter 8th grader Morgan Whyte rises to the challenge to place 3rd and Winhawk Sophomore Abbey Quandahl swimming the back for the first time in weeks sets a new personal best scoring in 5th. The Winhawks use the 10-6 point differential to go back into the lead. 

Winona                                80           Albert Lea           76

The 100 Breaststroke was one of the anticipated races of the evening. AL star 8th grader Lindsey Horejsi has been setting records around the Big 9 this season and there was no reason to think that she would stop at this point. As expected Horejsi took command early with Cotter Junior Alexandra Zuelke behind her and Tiger Morgan Field right on her shoulder. In the final 50 Morgan turns it on and overtakes Zuelke in the final 5 yards. LIndsey Horejsi sets a new Winona pool record cracking the previous mark that stood for 22 years by just under a second. Albert Lea takes 1-2-4 and the points prove devastating to the Winhawks surrendering the lead for the first time in the meet.

Winona                                84           Albert Lea           88

The 400 Freestyle Relay would be the determining event. The Winhawks needed more than the win. A win and 3rd place would give them the meet. Anything else and Albert Lea is celebrating. In the end it was not to be, Albert Lea had a little bit deeper squad. The fastest foursome Winona had eligible dug deep and swam the 2nd fastest 400 Freestyle relay of the year but it was not enough. They finish 2nd and the result was a very tough loss.

Final Score
Winona                                88           Albert Lea           98

Junior Varsity
Winona                                98           Albert Lea           59

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