This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

“Hey, I said light on the mayo! It’s a condiment not an entrée!”

Tuesday night the Winona Winhawks (4-5, 3-5) entered the eye of the storm. That being Rochester Mayo’s (7-1, 7-1) pool at the center of the round school. 

The Winhawks seemed uncharacteristically at ease though. Going through their pre-meet warm-up they were light hearted and relaxed yet looked intent on getting down to their business. 

The meet did not start well. The Mayo Scoring table crew had never set up the timing/scoring system and it took a while to backtrack and figure out what had and had not yet been hooked up.
While that was being sorted out, the Mayo swimmers & divers went about having their Senior Night Recognition at the beginning of the meet rather than after the diving.
Finally all was set to go, about 40 minutes after the scheduled start. 

The Winhawk JV Medley Relays went first and the Team of Winhawks Liz Strecher and Nina Sugaya were joined by Cotter’s Valeria Bautista-Ruiz and WMS Winhawk Ashley Brommerich. They swam their way to 3rd while the team of Winhawks Lilly Beyer, Janelle Mueller Alexa Morescki with Cotter’s Claire Conway, took 5th

Winona JV           2             Mayo JV               12

The Varsity 200 Medley Relay was a great race with the Winhawks hanging with the highly favored Spartans well into the race which was exceptional as the Mayo relay ended up setting a pool record. The team of Cotter Senior MacKenzie Brosnahan, Cotter Junior Alexandra Zuelke, paired with Winhawks Sophomores Reese Galewski and Haley O’Neill swim to their best time of the season for the 3rd meet in a row! Winhawks Marg, Arnold, O’Neill and Quandahl swim to 4th place and Whyte, Campbell Johnson and Porter secure 6th.

Winona                4             Mayo                    10

The 200 Freestyle Junior Varsity was entertaining. Sr. Co-Captain Kayla Berg took the race out hard. She swam a head-to-head duel with her Mayo counterpart finally establishing a lead with 50 yards remaining, and sprinting to the win!  She was followed by Kennedy Kolas in 3rd and Jaynie Olsen in 6th.

Winona JV           11           Mayo JV               19

The Varsity 200 Freestyle revealed 2 things. That the Mayo coach was not only holding nothing back, she was throwing the A Team at the Winhawks. The Winhawks respond in kind with Haley O’Neill essentially matching her season low from True Team. Behind her Reese Galewski finished 5th and Greer Kosidowski, claiming “it just didn’t matter” smashes her personal best just set at True Team by over 3/4th of a second!

Winona                9             Mayo                    21

The 200 IM JV heard another chant of “it just doesn’t matter” coming from Razil Campbell in Lane 6. What did matter was Razil hanging with her Mayo counterpart for a 2nd place finish and DEMOLISHING her prior personal best time by SIX SECONDS (which was a faster swim than TWO Winhawk varsity swimmers. Coach Burt better consider giving Razil varsity points for this one! Behind Razil, Alexa Morescki also motors to a new person best placing 4th and Natasha Lewis swimming the 200 IM for the first time takes 6th

Winona JV           17           Mayo JV               29

The Varsity 200 IM sees Mayo use their two big IM guns. Cotter Junior Alexandra Zuelke responds with a 3rd place in her quickest IM of the season by over a second and is only 3 tenths off her personal best. Alex Arnold   takes 5th and McKenzie Porter rounds out the field in 6th.            

Winona                13           Mayo                    33

The Junior Varsity 50 Free sees Ashlen Haines swimming the 50 for her first time, Ashley Brommerich setting a personal best time by nearly a half second ( which is HUGE in the 50 Free) and Liz Strecher also performing the 50- for the first time and the Winhawks go 2-3-4 respectively.

Winona JV           23           Mayo JV               39

The Varsity 50 Free has a DEAD TIE for 1st involving Cotter Senior MacKenzie Brosnahan. Emily Thurow takes 5th.

Winona                19           Mayo                    43

It was an away meet so what does that mean? No no, besides it just doesn’t matter, it means we got to watch DIVING. (And I got to score diving, what an awesome evening). Anyway, the divers were in good form and look to be preparing for Conference and Sections well. Claire Conway and Brynn Strange both dove JV and placed 1-2 respectively looking confident and comfortable. Crystal Franzwa earns the win on the strength of her Inward 1 ½ Pike and she threw her Reverse 1 SS with 2 ½ twists (very pretty) for big points. Janelle Mueller finished right behind her in 2nd with such a solid performance she smashed her former best score by 10 points. She accomplished it by throwing good Back, Inward and Reverse 1 ½ ss dives, and finishing with her Forward 2 ss Tuck. Sara Scherbring continues to get stronger and shored up the points for 4th just missing the 1-2-3 sweep by 2 points! 

Winona JV           33           Mayo JV               39
Winona                31           Mayo                    47

The 100 Butterfly JV saw the lone Cotter combatant Valeria Bautista-Ruiz place 3rd.

Winona JV           36           Mayo JV               51

The Varsity 100 Butterfly was a great race to watch with Winhawk Reese Galewski battling the entire way to her second fastest time of the year and 2nd place. Hanna O’Neill placed 4th setting a new personal best time for the second dual meet in a row.  The icing on the cake was Samantha Johnson ALSO setting new personal best time while placing 6th

Winona                37           Mayo                    57

The 100 JV Freestyle witnessed Ashley Brommerich setting a new personal best for the 3 time in the last 3 times she has swum it, on top of the last two were full one second drops! Lilly Beyer also sets a new personal best scoring in 5th place!

Winona JV           41           Mayo JV               62

The 100 Freestyle was a repeat of the 50 in lanes 3-4 between for MacKenzie Brosnahan. MacKenzie assures not repeating the 50 tie by going out strong and building on it swimming to a season low and placing first! Right behind her Haley O’Neill is just off her personal low from last year but swims a new season low by 1/3 of a second! Emily Thurow adds to the Winhawk point windfall placing 5th

Winona                47           Mayo                    63

The 500 Freestyle JV sees Natasha Lewis placing 2nd and Kennedy Kolaas swim it for the first time and lands herself a solid 3rd place!

Winona JV           48           Mayo JV               71

The 500 Freestyle sees Mayo throw the kitchen sink at the Winhawks pulling no punches at all. McKenzie Porter swims to 4th, Razil Campbell swims side-by-side with her to place 5th and Sr. Co-Captain Kayla Berg is right behind them to set a new personal best time lopping off 8 ½ seconds!

Winona                50           Mayo                    76

The JV 200 Freestyle Relay sees Lewis, Kolaas, Sugaya 
and Bautista-Ruiz swimming to 3rd and the Diver Relay ( yes DIVER) of Franzwa, Conway, Mueller and Scherbring place 4th touching out the final Mayo relay!

Winona JV           50           Mayo JV               83

The Varsity 200 Freestyle Relay was a repeat of the Medley with 3 of eth Spartans returning to swim to a new pool record. Right behind them the Winhawks consisting of Zuelke, O’Neill, Thurow and Brosnahan swim a new low for the 3rd straight meet and also further cementing their time as the 6th fastest in Winhawk history. The Team of Whyte, Marg, Kosidowski and O’Neill place 4th and Haines, Johnson, Berg and Brommerich place 6th

Winona                54           Mayo                    86

The JV 100 Backstroke has both Liz Strecher and Lilly Beyer swimming it in competition for the first time. They finish 4-5 respectively.

Winona JV           53           Mayo JV               96

The Varsity 100 Backstroke sees McKenna Marg, Morgan Whyte and Abbey Quandahl finish 2-3-4 with Abbey’s swim being a new personal best time!

Winona                63           Mayo                    92

The JV 100 Breaststroke showcases Nina Sugaya setting a new personal best on her way to a 2nd place finish. Inspired Alexa Morescki also clocks a personal best time knocking off a second and a half. Jaynie Olson completes the trifecta also swimming a personal best also trimming a second and a half. 

Winona JV           58           Mayo JV               107

The Varsity 100 Breaststroke sees Alexandra Zuelke pushed hard by the Mayo elite. She places 3rd    
followed by Greer, “It just doesn’t matter” Kosidowski swimming a time that does matter, a new personal best improving on last year’s Section time! Alex Arnold rounds things out in 6th

Winona                76           Mayo                    92

The 400 Freestyle Relay for both JV and Varsity was a victim of attrition (not many bodies left to enter). JV goes 3-5 and Varsity goes 3- 5-6. 

Final Scores

Winona JV           60           Mayo JV               119


Winona                88           Mayo                    92

That looked like approximately 10 personal best times and 4 season low times. I guess somethings did matter, like swimming with your heart and your head in the right place. 

Reminds me of my favorite quote:

You are seeking joy and peace in far-off places. But the spring of joy is in your heart. The haven of peace is in yourself.         Sathya Sal Baba
Way to go Winhawks - Next up BIG 9 Conference Meet.

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