This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winona Swim Club performs well at the Northfield December Dazzler

Last weekend the Wolner brothers were representing the Winona Swim Club in the 2009 NORTHFIELD December Dazzler BC OPEN and they did not disappoint.

The meet was at the Northfield Middle School, and the swim club from Northfield puts on a great meet. Shannon Wolner was raving about how pleasant and helpful they were. The pool is 8 lanes and there is a nice grandstand for parents to watch from. Shannon though was on deck as the coaching representative for the WSC.

Grant Wolner swam the 100Free, the 50 Breast and the 50 Fly. His 100 Freestyle saw him swim a 1:45.46 good for 4th place and an awesome 5 ½ second improvement over his previous best time. Next up he swam the 50 Breaststroke in a new personal best of 1:01.19 and placing 2nd overall, which is his first medal event since he started training. Congratulations Grant!

Griffin swam the 50 Backstroke in 41.44 seconds, good for 5th place and a new personal best time by 1.3 seconds. Next up was his 50 Breaststroke in which his 44.96 seconds was also a 5th place finish and another personal best with a 3+ second drop. Grif finished out the day with a 100 Freestyle swim of 1:14.72 seconds. This was not only good for a 4th place finish, but he pulled the Trifecta improving another personal best on his third and final swim by nearly 2 seconds.

Congratulations Grant and Griffin. Thanks for representing the Winona Swim Club so well at the Northfield December Dazzler!!

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