This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

There’s the physical and then there is the mental. When you add the mental, ANYTHING is possible.

Anything can happen – Don’t let nobody tell you your life is over. 

Swimming is like no other sport. Other jocks play their match/game the same way they’ve played every match to get you to that point. 

This is swimming, where everything you’ve done until now matters little, you have your technique, you have your training, and now, you have your TAPER. Anything is possible. Whether you are trying to make state or trying to make finals on Saturday, ANYTHING is possible. You have to dig deep, you have to be ready to hurt, but most importantly you have to BELIEVE you can go FAST. 

And why not, you have your base and you have your taper. You are gonna drop time, it is up to YOU how much and the statement you make. 

Go into your final week building up your confidence, your swimming life isn’t over yet, make this week the crowning achievement of 3 months of hard work. 


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