This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winhawk Owatonna dual report

The Winter swimming season is gaining momentum with meets and events going on at every level of competition. Sorry this is late, my schedule has been unyielding and there is so much to cover these days.

Thursday the Winona Winhawks tested their metal against a very deep Owatonna Huskies squad that came to town. With a squad boasting over 35 swimmers and divers, it appeared the Winhawks greatest challenge would be to score the higher placing points to counter the volume of Husky entries in each event.

Apparently the squads understood the just how closely contested this meet would be. In the opening event, the 200 Medley Relay, BOTH teams’ “A” relays were disqualified trying to shave time and cutting it too close, one an illegal stroke finish/exchange and the other leaving the block before the prior swimmer had touched. In the end, the Winhawk “B” relay of So. Avery Prondzinski, 8th Gr Cal Dretske, Jr. Matt Bagshaw and Sr. Jonathan Birdsall collected the win and most importantly the first place points. The DQ’s meant a 10-4 lead was actually 8-6.

Score Winona 8 Owatonna 6

The 200 Freestyle saw the Winhawks choose to go to their youth saving experience for later. Winhawk So. Joey Kleinow swam a hard fought 8 lengths and just touched out Owatonna for 3rd place and So. Avery Prondzinski added much needed points as well in 5th.

Score Winona 12 Owatonna 18

For the 200 IM, Amy Schulz pulled a strategic move and entered Winhawk Sr. Josh Danzinger having saved him from his usual 200 Free. Coach’s move saw Josh swim the second fastest Winhawk 200 IM of the season securing 2nd place. Right behind a battle was taking place with Winhawk 8th Gr. Cal Dretske touching out Owatonna for a 4th place finish.

Score Winona 18 Owatonna 28

The 50 Freestyle was another speed exhibition by Winhawk Sr. Captain Ryan Whalen. Owatonna put their talent elsewhere and Ryan’s 22.40 turned what is normally an eyelash win in this event to one measured in body lengths. Winona’s heir apparent to the speed crown 8th Gr. Roger Brosnahan turned in a solid 3rd place just touched out of 2nd.

Score Winona 27 Owatonna 35

The 1 Meter Diving was taking place over at the Middle School. That was a shame, as out of the eyesight of the main crowd, the Winhawk divers brought home the highest event point total of the evening. Winhawk Jr. Justin Bublitz brought home the win with Jr. Stan Petkov securing a solid 2nd. Completing the sweep, So Dan Karnick scored his highest point total of the season for a maximum 13 points in the event which also swings the lead over to the Winhawks for the first time.

Score Winona 40 Owatonna 38

The 100 Butterfly saw Winona’s Fly workhorse, once again, go it alone in the event. Jr. Matt Bagshaw took on Owatonna’s premier flyer and two more Huskies by himself. He responded by swimming his best time of the season to secure 2nd place point for the Winhawks.

Score Winona 44 Owatonna 49

The 100 Freestyle was the anticipated race between Winhawk Sr. Captain Ryan Whalen and Owatonna’s quickest. Whalen responded by swimming his fastest four lengths of the season and winning his second sprint of the night by feet instead of inches.

Score Winona 53 Owatonna 56

The 500 Yard Freestyle also played out as anticipated with Owatonna pushing Sr. Josh Danzinger to swim his best time since before the Holidays. 8th Gr, Alex Vaslow bettered his 500 time for the year bring home the last available points for the Winhawks.

Score Winona 58 Owatonna 67

Again, the 200 Freestyle Relay lived up to its expectations. The Winhawk team of Jr. Louie LaPorta, Jr. Matt Bagshaw, Sr. Ryan Whalen and Roger Brosnahan swam the second quickest time of the season but were touched out by 12 one-hundredths of a second for 2nd place. Right behind them the Winhawk “B” relay of So. Joey Kleinow, Sr. Jonathan Birdsall, 8th Gr. Cal Dretske and Sr. Josh Danzinger sped past the other two Owatonna relays to secure the much needed 3rd place points to try and sty close to the Huskies.

Score Winona 64 Owatonna 75

The 100 Backstroke bore the brunt of the Winhawks’ limited roster. Winhawk So Avery Prondzinski, Jr Gio Borsari (swimming back for the first time), and So Alex Kline was all Winona Head Coach Amy Schulz had to spare to throw at the Huskies. Avery and Gio pull out a 3-5 finish to prevent the Owatonna sweep.

Score Winona 68 Owatonna 87

The 100 Breaststroke saw Owatonna score the easy win, but the Winhawks’ group of Sr. Santino LaPorta, 8th Gr Cal Dretske and Sr Jonathan Birdsall finished 2-3-4 to outscore the Huskies in the event.

Score Winona 77 Owatonna 94

The 400 Free Relay was not going to affect the outcome of the meet as Owatonna already had it in the bag. The Winhawk relay of Jr Louie LaPorta, So Avery Prondzinski, So Joey Kleinow and Sr. Josh Danzinger made a fun event of it. Swimming a great race that was side by side for all four swimmers, Birdsall touched out Owatonna’s Glynn (had two wins under his belt for the night) for a great cap to a meet that was full of potential but stayed just out of the Winhawks’ grasp.

FINAL SCORE Winona 89 Owatonna 94

That made three straight meets that the Winhawks were competitive in and the cancelled Austin meet would have been the same. All the Winhawks need now is some additional depth. Young swimmers and divers are required to fill out a squad that offers the coaches some flexibility and diversity depending on their opponent for each evening.

Next up, Winona takes on the visiting Onalaska Holmen Boys' team Monday Feb 1st. I would preview it for you, but it appears the only sporting team that gets less newsprint than the Winona Winhawk Boys' Swimming Team is the OHS Boys' Swimming Team. Hmmmmm, that would be the LaCrosse Tribune, sister publication to the WDN. Coincidence? Somehow I think NOT.

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