This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I'm back in the saddle again. (My dad loved Gene Autry)

I am getting back into the saddle. No excuse for my absence other than plain ol’ overload. Something has to give sometimes, the blog was it. I also get the sense it is not as much of a big deal for the boys high school. 

But swimming has been going on, I have been sharing swim info on the Winona Swim Club Facebook Page all along. Just sitting down and writing seemed to never rise to the top of the list. 

I will try to correct that, ramping up as the season goes into the second half. 

I see the St. Mary’s swimmers are in the FL Keys working out. Lucky devils! Although I am sure the workouts are no cake walk!

Saw Kenzie Brosnahan home from Emery University for the holidays, did not get to chat. 

The Winona Swim Club Wizards are off to Red Wing this weekend, 12 swimmers competing in 60 indv. races and 8 relays over the two days, Good Luck Wizards. I will be there officiating, good to keep in practice. Hopefull a number of the newly approved Wizard parent officials will be there getting in their shadowing requirement to become full-fledged Officials! I just took my Starter & Stroke & Turn re-certification tests, got 98%. Found out afterward I only have to take the higher level test of the two (Starter), oh well, it was good review! I got my Performance review scores from the fall high school reefing season. Officials and coaches rate each other for feedback/improvement. On a scale of 0-7 (7 being best) I was a 6.94 average, rated in attitude, knowledge, positioning, communication and judgement over 16 different coaches ratings. I’ll take that!

The Winona Winhawk Boys are off to Owatonna Thursday night for dual meet. Should be a good test, the Huskies have a number of wins under their belt including Faribault and Northfield. 

I myself am being called into rare Rochester duty. I will be at Roch Mayo, for the Mayo vs Mankato East swim meet. 

This Saturday the Winhawk Boys are off to the Austin Packer Relays.

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