This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Winhawks this Week

The Winhawks this week host the Packers of Austin at the WSHS Pool for Swimming and the WMS pool for diving.

Austin is 0-4 in dual meet competition, but will have some talented swimmers and a diver to throw at the 3-1 Winhawks to keep them honest. Austin has a very similar squad to Winona, 40+ girls competing with just a small handful of seniors and a host of young talent.

Look for Austin’s Brooke Johnson, Kelli Bednar, Averi Splinter, and Helen Heimark, all underclassmen that are back after gaining some Class A State meet experience last year.

For the Winhawks, the look to the girls placed in the IM, Fly and sprints to make or break the meet.

Practically all the events will have some good races, depth will determine the winner of this meet. It will be interesting to see where Winona’s Coach Burt and Austin’s Coach Lynn Gulbrandson place their heavyweights in their line ups and how their placement of the younger swimmers do capturing those important 2nd and 3rd places.

If you are partial to diving, the competition at the WMS will be a good battle. The 8th grader from Austin, Sela Fadness will give Winhawks Crystal Franzwa, Lianna Hawthorne and Erin Buswell all they can handle.

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