This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day two of the YMCA Nationals

A new record in the Women's 100 YD Butterfly a future star at 15, She has scored in Day 1 already

1 Haley Lips 15 Middle Tyger YMCA 54.70 53.28*
24.93 53.28 (28.35)

New record in the Men's 100 Yard Butterfly

1 Tim Phillips 18 Marietta YMCA 47.54 46.96*
21.65 46.96 (25.31)

The rest of the individual events, 200 BR, 200FL, 200FR were fast, but no new records.

A new record in the Women's 400 Yard Freestyle Relay (with a 14yr old swimming the 3nd fastest leg!!)

1 Middle Tyger YMCA 3:26.70 3:24.21 *
1) Haley Lips 15 2) Addie Carne 18 3) Annie Gillig 14 4) Laura Simon 18
24.52 50.48 (50.48) 1:14.63 (24.15) 1:41.79 (51.31)
2:06.17 (24.38) 2:32.52 (50.73) 2:56.91 (24.39) 3:24.21 (51.69)

And a new record in the Men's 400 Yard Freestyle Relay (once again our friends from across the border in Milwaukee area)

1 Schroeder YMCA 3:06.58 3:01.34 *
1) Ryan Hansen 17 2) Mitchell Friedemann 16 3) Graham Charlton 17 4) Francisco Vital 17
21.78 45.94 (45.94) 1:06.22 (20.28) 1:29.18 (43.24)
1:51.20 (22.02) 2:15.65 (46.47) 2:37.30 (21.65) 3:01.34 (45.69)

In the Women's 1000yd FR Sarasota Family YMCA went 1 -2 with the winner dropping 19+ seconds.

1 Corinne Showalter 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 10:00.73 9:41.24
27.07 56.12 (29.05) 1:25.29 (29.17) 1:54.56 (29.27)
2:23.77 (29.21) 2:52.83 (29.06) 3:21.97 (29.14) 3:51.25 (29.28)
4:20.36 (29.11) 4:49.61 (29.25) 5:18.56 (28.95) 5:47.80 (29.24)
6:17.03 (29.23) 6:46.40 (29.37) 7:15.33 (28.93) 7:44.52 (29.19)
8:13.80 (29.28) 8:43.12 (29.32) 9:12.57 (29.45) 9:41.24 (28.67)

And go figure, Sarasota Family YMCA goes 1-2 in the Men's 1000 YD FR also!

1 John Orban 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 9:20.08 9:04.75
24.96 52.85 (27.89) 1:20.70 (27.85) 1:48.29 (27.59)
2:15.76 (27.47) 2:43.08 (27.32) 3:10.10 (27.02) 3:37.52 (27.42)
4:05.00 (27.48) 4:32.43 (27.43) 4:59.92 (27.49) 5:27.35 (27.43)
5:54.66 (27.31) 6:22.04 (27.38) 6:49.28 (27.24) 7:16.95 (27.67)
7:44.07 (27.12) 8:11.50 (27.43) 8:38.57 (27.07) 9:04.75 (26.18)

That makes 1-2 in all the distance events in two days for Sarasota. The coach must be a real grinder!!

More tomorrow!

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