This is my blog that follows swimming & diving in Winona MN and those Winonans that have left to swim elsewhere. Occasionally I will post items of info related to swimming & diving in general.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

USA Swim Season about to get underway

The Minnesota USA Swim Season is starting up. The first meet on the schedule is in Northfield, The "Dip Into Spring" Invitational May 2 & 3.

You'll need to sign up this coming week, entries have to be to the Northfield club by the 24th.

Check out for more details.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

YMCA Nationals Wrap up

New record in the Women's 400 Yard IM

1 Corinne Showalt 18 Sarasota-FL 4:18.52 4:12.76* 27.02 57.91 (30.89) 1:29.88 (31.97) 2:01.01 (31.13) 2:38.20 (37.19) 3:15.87 (37.67) 3:45.05 (29.18) 4:12.76 (27.71)

New record in the Women's 100 Yard Freestyle is SHARED it ended in a dead heat tie finish!!!

1 Margo Geer 17 Springfield-OH 50.34 49.02* 23.54 49.02 (25.48)
1 Emily Lloyd 16 Anne Arundel-MD 50.04 49.02* 23.81 49.02 (25.21)

New record in the Men's 100 Yard Freestyle
1 Tim Phillips 18 Marietta-OH 45.16 44.11* 21.32 44.11 (22.79)

The Women's 200 Yard Back record was shattered by 2 1/2 seconds.
1 Annie Gillig 14 Middle Tyger-SC 1:58.91 1:55.45* 27.12 56.07 (28.95) 1:25.93 (29.86) 1:55.45 (29.52)

The Women's 800 FR Relay saw a new record with a 14 and 15 yr old on the relay!
1 Middle Tyger-SC 7:29.49 7:18.09* 1) Haley Lips 15 2) Addie Carne 18 3) Annie Gillig 14 4) Laura Simon 18 25.14 52.19 (52.19) 1:20.25 (1:20.25) 1:48.17 (1:48.17) 2:12.72 (24.55) 2:40.13 (51.96) 3:08.63 (1:20.46) 3:37.67 (1:49.50) 4:03.31 (25.64) 4:31.72 (54.05) 5:00.34 (1:22.67) 5:28.10 (1:50.43) 5:53.03 (24.93) 6:20.78 (52.68) 6:49.37 (1:21.27) 7:18.09 (1:49.99)

Sarasota won the Men's 800 FR Relay with a 15 yr old that kept up with the older kids
1 Sarasota-FL 6:49.70 6:38.95* 1) Nicholas Caldwell 15 2) John Orban 18 3) Patrick Ceddia 17 4) Mark Cox 17 23.42 48.59 (48.59) 1:13.89 (1:13.89) 1:38.75 (1:38.75) 2:01.74 (22.99) 2:27.25 (48.50) 2:53.04 (1:14.29) 3:18.55 (1:39.80) 3:41.63 (23.08) 4:07.05 (48.50) 4:32.30 (1:13.75) 4:57.22 (1:38.67) 5:20.76 (23.54) 5:47.05 (49.83) 6:12.84 (1:15.62) 6:38.95 (1:41.73)

Men's 100 YD BR saw a new record posted

1 William Colbert 17 Schroeder YMCA 56.15 54.27*
25.62 54.27 (28.65)

Women's 400 Med RLY saw a new record using a 14 & two 15yr olds

1 Middle Tyger YMCA 3:48.96 3:44.38 *
1) Annie Gillig 14 2) Monica Milici 15 3) Haley Lips 15 4) Laura Simon 18
26.68 54.65 (54.65) 1:24.16 (29.51) 1:58.36 (1:03.71)
2:23.24 (24.88) 2:52.21 (53.85) 3:17.08 (24.87) 3:44.38 (52.17)

The Men's record was shattered by a little over two seconds by the guys from Milwaukee

1 Schroeder YMCA 3:22.34 3:18.89 *
1) Mitchell Friedemann 16 2) William Colbert 17 3) Francisco Vital 17 4) Ryan Hansen 17
23.76 49.53 (49.53) 1:14.67 (25.14) 1:43.62 (54.09)
2:06.57 (22.95) 2:33.46 (49.84) 2:55.01 (21.55) 3:18.89 (45.43)

And that is it for this year's YMCA Nationals!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day two of the YMCA Nationals

A new record in the Women's 100 YD Butterfly a future star at 15, She has scored in Day 1 already

1 Haley Lips 15 Middle Tyger YMCA 54.70 53.28*
24.93 53.28 (28.35)

New record in the Men's 100 Yard Butterfly

1 Tim Phillips 18 Marietta YMCA 47.54 46.96*
21.65 46.96 (25.31)

The rest of the individual events, 200 BR, 200FL, 200FR were fast, but no new records.

A new record in the Women's 400 Yard Freestyle Relay (with a 14yr old swimming the 3nd fastest leg!!)

1 Middle Tyger YMCA 3:26.70 3:24.21 *
1) Haley Lips 15 2) Addie Carne 18 3) Annie Gillig 14 4) Laura Simon 18
24.52 50.48 (50.48) 1:14.63 (24.15) 1:41.79 (51.31)
2:06.17 (24.38) 2:32.52 (50.73) 2:56.91 (24.39) 3:24.21 (51.69)

And a new record in the Men's 400 Yard Freestyle Relay (once again our friends from across the border in Milwaukee area)

1 Schroeder YMCA 3:06.58 3:01.34 *
1) Ryan Hansen 17 2) Mitchell Friedemann 16 3) Graham Charlton 17 4) Francisco Vital 17
21.78 45.94 (45.94) 1:06.22 (20.28) 1:29.18 (43.24)
1:51.20 (22.02) 2:15.65 (46.47) 2:37.30 (21.65) 3:01.34 (45.69)

In the Women's 1000yd FR Sarasota Family YMCA went 1 -2 with the winner dropping 19+ seconds.

1 Corinne Showalter 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 10:00.73 9:41.24
27.07 56.12 (29.05) 1:25.29 (29.17) 1:54.56 (29.27)
2:23.77 (29.21) 2:52.83 (29.06) 3:21.97 (29.14) 3:51.25 (29.28)
4:20.36 (29.11) 4:49.61 (29.25) 5:18.56 (28.95) 5:47.80 (29.24)
6:17.03 (29.23) 6:46.40 (29.37) 7:15.33 (28.93) 7:44.52 (29.19)
8:13.80 (29.28) 8:43.12 (29.32) 9:12.57 (29.45) 9:41.24 (28.67)

And go figure, Sarasota Family YMCA goes 1-2 in the Men's 1000 YD FR also!

1 John Orban 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 9:20.08 9:04.75
24.96 52.85 (27.89) 1:20.70 (27.85) 1:48.29 (27.59)
2:15.76 (27.47) 2:43.08 (27.32) 3:10.10 (27.02) 3:37.52 (27.42)
4:05.00 (27.48) 4:32.43 (27.43) 4:59.92 (27.49) 5:27.35 (27.43)
5:54.66 (27.31) 6:22.04 (27.38) 6:49.28 (27.24) 7:16.95 (27.67)
7:44.07 (27.12) 8:11.50 (27.43) 8:38.57 (27.07) 9:04.75 (26.18)

That makes 1-2 in all the distance events in two days for Sarasota. The coach must be a real grinder!!

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

YMCA Nationals

YMCA Nationals are going on all week. They started today, sorry for not posting a preview, been mui busy these days.

First and foremost, you can watch the YMCA Nationals on

or better yet

Secondly, YMCA appears to be the ONLY non-scholastic enlightened program that combines swimming and diving in one event BESIDES mayeb the Olympics, so KUDOS to them for doing that.

Day 1 saw:

A new record in the Women's 100 BK

1 Margo Geer 17 Springfield Family YMCA 54.66 54.19*
26.41 54.19 (27.78)

A 15 year old beating out the older kids in the Women's 500 YD FR

1 Haley Lips 15 Middle Tyger YMCA 4:47.25 4:45.73
26.68 54.88 (28.20) 1:23.45 (28.57) 1:52.32 (28.87)
2:21.43 (29.11) 2:50.50 (29.07) 3:19.17 (28.67) 3:48.08 (28.91)
4:17.06 (28.98) 4:45.73 (28.67)

A pair of Florida guys going 1 - 2 in the Men's 500 FR out of 77 entrants:

A - Final
1 Patrick Ceddia 17 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 4:28.18 4:24.73
24.53 51.24 (26.71) 1:18.04 (26.80) 1:44.96 (26.92)
2:12.01 (27.05) 2:38.70 (26.69) 3:05.29 (26.59) 3:31.70 (26.41)
3:58.49 (26.79) 4:24.73 (26.24)

2 John Orban 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 4:31.27 4:26.87
24.79 51.67 (26.88) 1:18.60 (26.93) 1:45.21 (26.61)
2:11.95 (26.74) 2:38.78 (26.83) 3:06.01 (27.23) 3:33.10 (27.09)
4:00.39 (27.29) 4:26.87 (26.48)

The Women's 200IM winner (from that same Sarasota FL club) missed out on a National record by 0.03 sec! Bummer

1 Corinne Showalter 18 Sarasota Family YMCA, Inc 2:02.09 2:00.26
26.75 56.63 (29.88) 1:31.94 (35.31) 2:00.26 (28.32)

On the other hand, the Men's 200IM got a new record by 0.01!

1 Woody Joye 17 Montgomery -East Branch YMCA 1:48.15 1:47.09 *
22.82 49.29 (26.47) 1:22.23 (32.94) 1:47.09 (24.86)

The winner of the Women's 100BK (inrecord time) ALSO won teh 50 FR in record time!!!

1 Margo Geer 17 Springfield Family YMCA 22.78 22.68*

The Men's 200 Med RLY saw a new record set by our friends across the border at the Schroeder Aquatic Center by Milwaukee:

1 Schroeder YMCA 1:32.35 1:30.91 *
1) Mitchell Friedemann 16 2) William Colbert 17 3) Francisco Vital 17 4) Graham Charlton 17
22.87 47.34 (24.47) 1:09.81 (22.47) 1:30.91 (21.10)

In case you want to look yourself: