Winona vs Blaisdell - 11/20/2010
The Winona YMCA Winfins hosted their first home meet of the season last Saturday and the home pool produced some quality swims.
Times/swims of note included:
McKenna Marg fresh off her Winona High School taper rips off a Regions qualifying time 9 seconds under the standard for the 200 Free!
Event 3 Girls 14 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle
1st Marg, McKenna 14 WIN 2:16.61st REG.
The Winona Relays dominated the meet all day long. Here are all the relay results and their places. There are no qualifying times for relays for Regions, teams put together Regions relays are based on who qualifies and is there for a team.
Event 7 Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Medley Relay
1st WIN B 1:47.84
1) Ziegeweid, Tara 8 2) Schewe, Francesca 8
3) Ernst, Kyler 7 4) Ping, Grace 7
2nd WIN A 2:06.93
1) Arnold, Morgan 7 2) Skillicorn, Anni 8
3) Slinkman, Kailee 8 4) Stango, Sophia 7
Event 9 Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
1st WIN B 3:09.11
1) May, Thea 9 2) Marg, Natalie 9
3) Arnold, Madelyn 9 4) Miller, Grace 9
2ndWIN A 3:12.91
1) Reilly, Ella 9 2) Lawson, Piper 10
3) Whyte, Lauren 10 4) Drazkowski, Morgan 9
Event 10 Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
Team Relay Finals Time
1st WIN A 3:56.33
1) Herczeg, Jack 9 2) Broghammer, Luke 9
3) Coudron, Tony 9 4) Satka, Matt 9
Event 11 Girls 12 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
1st WIN A 2:37.66
1) Arnold, Alexandria 12 2) Sugaya, Nina 12
3) Lemire, Azrielle 11 4) Lemire, Shiloh 12
3rdWIN B 2:42.72
1) Broghammer, Sarah 11 2) Nutter, Alex 12
3) O'Neill, Hanna 12 4) Kohner, Jessica 11
Event 13 Girls 14 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
1st WIN A 2:26.96
1) Marg, McKenna 14 2) Thurow, Emily 14
3) Bautista, Valeria 14 4) Cox, Stephanie 13
The Winfins team of Aaron Whyte, Calvin Dretske, Kyle Schneider, and Hodd Gorman, set a NEW Winfins record in the 200 Medley Relay
Event 14 Boys 14 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
(New Winfins record)
1st WIN A 2:06.46
1) Whyte, Aaron 14 2) Dretske, Calvin 14
3) Schneider, Kyle 14 4) Gorman, Hodd 14
Event 15 Girls 18 & Under 200 Yard Medley Relay
1st WIN A 2:28.56
1) Berg, Kayla 17 2) Campbell, Raizl 15
3) Haines, Ashlen 16 4) Konkel, Katrina 16
2ndWIN B 2:30.99
1) Lemire, Lasha 15 2) Berg, Samantha 15
3) Whyte, Morgan 13 4) Lemire, Lael 16
Event 59 Girls 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 1:34.26
1) Ernst, Kyler 7 2) Skillicorn, Anni 8
3) Schewe, Francesca 8 4) Hoffman, Mary 8
2ndWIN B 1:51.33
1) Evans, McKenna 7 2) Morgan, Anna 8
3) Slinkman, Kailee 8 4) Ping, Grace 7
Event 60 Boys 8 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 1:52.04
1) Livingston, Nolan 7 2) King-Henke, Austin 8
3) Prodzinski, Ethan 8 4) Arnold, Morgan 8
Event 61st Girls 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN B 2:50.35
1) Reilly, Ella 9 2) Arnold, Madelyn 9
3) Lawson, Piper 10 4) Drazkowski, Morgan 9
2ndWIN A 2:54.89
1) Leaf, McCarthy 9 2) Jerawski, Aspen 10
3) Lemire, Moriah J 9 4) Whyte, Lauren 10
Event 62 Boys 10 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 3:27.71
1) Herczeg, Jack 9 2) Broghammer, Luke 9
3) Satka, Matt 9 4) Coudron, Tony 9
Event 63 Girls 12 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN B 2:30.10
1) Pozanc, Kaza 12 2) Broghammer, Sarah 11
3) Lemire, Shiloh 12 4) Arnold, Alexandria 12
2ndWIN A 2:30.25
1) Konkel, Kylie 12 2) Kohner, Jessica 11
3) Lemire, Azrielle 11 4) Nutter, Alex 12
Event 64 Boys 12 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 2:39.78
1) Klein, Brady 11 t 2) Stoppelmoor, Kaleb 12
3) Reilly, Henry 11 t 4) Arnold, Andrew 11
Event 65 Girls 14 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
Team Relay Finals Time
1st WIN A 1:52.75
1) Whyte, Morgan 13 2) Marg, McKenna 14
3) O'Neill, Hanna 12 4) Thurow, Emily 14
The Winfins team of Aaron Whyte, Calvin Dretske, Kyle Schneider, and Hodd Gorman, set another NEW Winfins record in the 200 Freestyle Relay
Event 66 Boys 14 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
(New Winfins Record)
1st WIN A 1:53.39
1) Schneider, Kyle 14 2) Whyte, Aaron 14
3) Gorman, Hodd 14 4) Dretske, Calvin 14
Event 67 Girls 18 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 2:11.38
1) Berg, Samantha 15 2) Bautista, Valeria 14
3) Haines, Ashlen 16 4) Lemire, Lael 16
2ndWIN B 2:15.64
1) Berg, Kayla 17 2) Campbell, Raizl 15
3) Cox, Stephanie 13 4) Lemire, Lasha 15
Event 103 Girls 8 & Under 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 3:56.72
1) Ziegeweid, Tara 8 2) Morgan, Anna 8
3) Evans, McKenna 7 4) Hoffman, Mary 8
Event 105 Girls 10 & Under 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
1st WIN A 6:33.41
1) Miller, Grace 9 2) Jerawski, Aspen 10
3) Marg, Natalie 9 4) Lemire, Moriah J 9
Winfins 8 year old Mary Hoffman is just 22 hundredths off a Regions qualifying time in Winning the 25 Freestyle!
Event 17 Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Freestyle
1st Hoffman, Mary 8 WIN 18.22
2nd Ping, Grace 7 WIN 22.92
3rd Ernst, Kyler 7 WIN 23.11
4 Skillicorn, Anni 8 WIN 23.81
5 Ziegeweid, Tara 8 WIN 25.20
6 Slinkman, Kailee 8 WIN 25.35
8 Morgan, Anna 8 WIN 26.53
9 Evans, McKenna 7 WIN 27.92
10 Arnold, Morgan 7 WIN 29.15
12 Stango, Sophia 7 WIN 31.13
Winfins Morgan Drazkowski and Moriah Lemire swim Regions qualifying times in going 1-2 in the 50 Freestyle!
Event 19 Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st Drazkowski, Morgan 9 WIN 34.77 REG.
2nd Lemire, Moriah J 9 WIN 35.50 REG.
3rdWhyte, Lauren 10 WIN 39.03
5 Miller, Grace 9 WIN 41.36
6 Leaf, McCarthy 9 WIN 45.22
Winfins Hanna O’Neill fresh from a rest after the Winona Senior High season rips off a 50 Free almost 3 seconds under the Regions qualifying time. Right behind her in 2nd place Alex Nutter also qualifies for Regions.
Event 21st Girls 12 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st O'Neill, Hanna 12 WIN 29.00 REG.
2nd Nutter, Alex 12 WIN 31.14 REG.
3rd Lemire, Shiloh 12 WIN 35.97
4 Kohner, Jessica 11 WIN 37.89
5 Lemire, Azrielle 11 WIN 40.54
Winfins Emily Thurow, after gaining some conditioning and confidence swimming with the Winona Senior High team, qualifies for Regions with plenty of room to spare while winning the 50 Free.
Event 23 Girls 14 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st Thurow, Emily 14 WIN 28.16 REG.
4 Bautista, Valeria 14 WIN 32.48
Event 24 Boys 14 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st Whyte, Aaron 14 WIN 30.21
How exciting to see Angel Pingry back in the water again after a prolonged injury! Angel leads Winhawks Razil Campbell and Ashlen Haines to the wall and all qualify for regions. Future Co-Captains for the 2011 Winona High Winhawks Kayla and Samantha Berg follow right behind them in 4th & 5th.
Event 25 Girls 18 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st Pingry, Angel 18 WIN 28.13 REG.
2nd Campbell, Raizl 15 WIN 29.42 REG.
3rd Haines, Ashlen 16 WIN 29.46 REG.
4 Berg, Kayla 17 WIN 30.91
5 Berg, Samantha 15 WIN 32.55
6 Lemire, Lasha 15 WIN 34.74
7 Konkel, Katrina 16 WIN 38.99
Winfins Morgan Drazkowski qualifies for another Regions event winning the 100 IM.
Event 33 Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard IM
1st Drazkowski, Morgan 9 WIN 1:32.93 REG.
2nd Whyte, Lauren 10 WIN 1:35.86
3rdLemire, Moriah J 9 WIN 1:37.54
4 Marg, Natalie 9 WIN 1:42.88
6 Lawson, Piper 10 WIN 1:51.90
7 Miller, Grace 9 WIN 1:52.45
8 Arnold, Madelyn 9 WIN 1:57.46
10 Reilly, Ella 9 WIN 2:01.72
Another Winona SHS/Cotter swimmer rested after Big 9 & Sections, Alex Arnold qualifies for Regions in the 200 IM.
Event 37 Girls 14 & Under 200 Yard IM
1st Arnold, Alexandria 12 WIN 2:42.80 REG.
4 Cox, Stephanie 13 WIN 3:34.98
Winfins Anni Skillicorn wins the 25 yard Backstroke while Winona goes 1 – 7th place!
Event 43 Girls 8 & Under 25 Yard Backstroke
1st Skillicorn, Anni 8 WIN 23.06
2ndHoffman, Mary 8 WIN 24.02
3rdZiegeweid, Tara 8 WIN 24.11
5 Slinkman, Kailee 8 WIN 26.46
6 Arnold, Morgan 7 WIN 27.27
7 Schewe, Francesca 8 WIN 28.09
9 Ping, Grace 7 WIN 31.62
10 Stango, Sophia 7 WIN 32.53
11 Morgan, Anna 8 WIN 33.07
13 Evans, McKenna 7 WIN 35.08
Winfins Thea May qualifies for Regions with plenty of room to spare winning the 50 backstroke. While Winona takes 1st – 6th.
Event 45 Girls 10 & Under 50 Yard Backstroke
1st May, Thea 9 WIN 41.04 REG.
2ndMarg, Natalie 9 WIN 47.05
3rdLawson, Piper 10 WIN 50.89
4 Leaf, McCarthy 9 WIN 53.03
5 Arnold, Madelyn 9 WIN 53.58
6 Jerawski, Aspen 10 WIN 55.02
Winfins swimmers Morgan Whyte and McKenna Marg, fresh off their completed WSHS season go 1-2 with McKenna improving her high school team season best!
Event 49 Girls 14 & Under 100 Yard Backstroke
1st Whyte, Morgan 13 WIN 1:09.67 REG.
2ndMarg, McKenna 14 WIN 1:09.99 REG.
The Winfins' Mary Hoffman wins the 50 Free easily qualifying for Regions!
Event 81st Girls 8 & Under 50 Yard Freestyle
1st Hoffman, Mary 8 WIN 42.53 REG.
2ndErnst, Kyler 7 WIN 51.27
4 Ziegeweid, Tara 8 WIN 59.58
5 Morgan, Anna 8 WIN 1:01.88
Winfin Morgan Drazkowski wins the 100 Free just qualifying for Regions and looking to better it!
Event 83 Girls 10 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle
1st Drazkowski, Morgan 9 WIN 1:21.41st REG.
2ndJerawski, Aspen 10 WIN 1:46.38
3rdReilly, Ella 9 WIN 1:49.13
Winfins Morgan Whyte in shape after the WSHS season easily qualifies for Regions by 5 seconds and wins the 100 Freestyle with HS teammate Emily Thurow right behind her doing the same.
Event 87 Girls 14 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle
1st Whyte, Morgan 13 WIN 1:02.87 REG.
2ndThurow, Emily 14 WIN 1:04.06 REG.
Winfins Cal Dretske and Hodd Gorman warming up for the WSHS Boy’s swim season get qualifying times for Regions 100 Free out of the way.
Event 88 Boys 14 & Under 100 Yard Freestyle
1st Dretske, Calvin 14 WIN 59.25 REG.
2ndGorman, Hodd 14 WIN 1:01.22 REG.
3rdSchneider, Kyle 14 WIN 1:03.01
5 Whyte, Aaron 14 WIN 1:11.90
Winfins Alex Arnold, Nina Sugaya and Hanna O’Neill qualify for Regions going 1-2-3 in the 50 Breaststroke.
Event 97 Girls 12 & Under 50 Yard Breaststroke
1st Arnold, Alexandria 12 WIN 39.61st REG.
2ndSugaya, Nina 12 WIN 40.08 REG.
3rdO'Neill, Hanna 12 WIN 40.69 REG.
5 Konkel, Kylie 12 WIN 48.00
6 Kohner, Jessica 11 WIN 54.34
7 Pozanc, Kaza 12 WIN 1:02.77